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Postpartum Care Checklist: The top items to pack as told by hundreds of moms

Posted by Mom Friends on

No two births are alike

Each birth is like a special snowflake that floats down softly and gently onto the leaves of the family tree… ok maybe not so much. Sometimes it’s a gentle snowflake and other times it’s a freakin’ white-out blizzard.

When we started putting together postpartum care kits we discussed a lot of different birth experiences - our own and those of our friends and family. In our circles birth stories are very personal but also fascinating and inspiring, and often shared. In the right place at the right time our girlfriends and guyfriends tend to spill all the juicy details for the benefit (and let’s face it, the entertainment) of all.

We have heard enough of these stories to know that birth experiences are incredibly diverse, and we wondered whether there were particular supports which were common to most, if not all birth experiences. We decided to poll the experts - moms - to learn what were the essential items that helped them get through the first week of postpartum.

Postpartum care from the experts 

Over 200 women dished - we are so grateful. Their stories are the reason that we have formulated the Mom Friends postpartum kits as we have. It turns out, there is a core list of items which help for all kinds of postpartum recovery. We heard from moms of multiples, moms who stayed home, moms who went to a hospital or birth centre, moms who experienced vaginal birth, c-sections, and types of birth we didn’t even know were possible.

Without further ado, here is what this amazing community of experts told us.

The sample:

Pie chart showing that among survey respondents 27% had a caesarian birth and 73% had a vaginal birth

Pie chart showing that among survey respondents 4% gave birth at home, 7% at a birth centre and 89% in a hospiotal setting


Bar chart of the top products identified by moms for Postpartum Care Kits, from most popular: Pads, nipple cream, nursing pads, snacks, granny panties, perineal bottle, adult diapers, epsom salts, water bottle, witch hazel, tuck's wipes, chapstick, tea


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