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A time of transition for Mom Friends, and a farewell. 

Posted by Lisa Deacon on

We launched Mom Friends four years ago as loved ones began labouring and recovering physically and mentally from birth. It became clear to us that these experiences are poorly understood and even stigmatized. Unfortunately, many birthing people are missing the information and support they need. 

It has been such a privilege to play a small role in growing awareness and linking people with post-bump essentials and their caring community to help equip them for this period of their lives.     

Thank you so much to each of you — our customers, friends and family — who have supported us from Day 1. Your enthusiasm for our idea, your first-hand inputs into product design, every positive review or referral have meant the world to us. Thank-you from the bottom of our hearts. 

That said, we are excited to announce that Mom Friends will be transitioning ownership this July. We met Karen earlier this year and have been blown away by her enthusiasm to carry on the mission of Mom Friends. She has as much passion for our mission as we do, and many skills and fresh ideas to carry it forward. Mom Friends is in very capable hands.

We only ask three favours as we depart:

  • Keep supporting small and women-led businesses. 
  • Keep supporting your loved ones through labour, delivery and postpartum.
  • Know that serving you as Mom Friends these past four years has been an immensely joyful and privileged experience for us. 

Wishing all the best to Karen as she takes the helm, and signing off with love,

Aviva, Lisa and Liz.

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