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What is a sprinkle party?

Posted by Mom Friends on

I’m pregnant (again)

Ok so the news is out and you’re having another baby (‘So soon? Wow you don’t waste any time,’ ‘Blank stare… six kids, eh?’). You’re dusting off your maternity wear and momming on the daily with moderate to intense nausea/food cravings lurking around every food-truck riddled corner. 

Introducing, the sprinkle (aaaargh)

Real-talk - at first the term sprinkle turned our Mom Friends stomachs a tad. We had some pretty deep questions about it like ‘Does this have to do with pee in any way?’ and ‘Is this just a fad or does it have some merit?’ Unlike a solar eclipse we decided that the best way to wrap our heads around the sprinkle was by staring directly at it. So earlier this year we embarked on a first-hand authentic sprinkle experience with Aviva as our guinea pig. Our conclusion? Despite the terrible name, the thing has some serious merits to it. 

What is a sprinkle?

Here goes: Someone out there decided that a lighter version of a rain shower is called a sprinkle. And so, a lighter version of a baby shower is a sprinkle. When Aviva was expecting little Alice her sister approached her to throw another baby shower: She was reluctant and managed to negotiate down to a sprinkle. You get the idea. 

While baby showers can be over the top (think 20 pairs of adorable yet impractical baby shoes), sprinkles, at their core are all about practicality. Aviva shared,

“I had tons of baby stuff already, and my second is also a girl so I didn’t even need new clothes except for maybe a few key trendy pieces from the 2017 baby runway.” 

Judgy fashion face

Aviva admits as the planning for the sprinkle took shape, she wasn’t 100% on board,

“My little sister loves me and just wanted to help but I was a bit conflicted and felt awkward asking my family and friends to spend more money on me.” 

Why have a sprinkle?

If you have never been invited to a sprinkle and are thinking ‘oh gawd why is this happening?!’ there are a few things to bear in mind (take note preggos, we will do our best to convince you too!) 

The need is great

Growing families can really use some practical help: Think cleaning, babysitting, cooking etc. In addition to checking in on their own physical and mental health, parents will be trying to meet the needs of their (often active) older children during a time of major change.   

“The truth is, I was stressed about welcoming a second baby, figuring out how to manage a household with a newborn and an active toddler so in the end I realized we could really use help with day-to-day practical stuff like meal-planning.” 

Giving birth is still tough

Despite the assumption that a second, third, or umpteenth baby comes out with a sneeze, having a baby can be just as physically demanding as the first time you had one (as Aviva recently learned). Just Google birthing videos if you need a reminder. Mom’s body will need to time to rest and recover, and so a gift like a postpartum care kit is still incredibly thoughtful and will be put to good use. (Oh wait, we sell those! Bear with the shameless self plug). 

A pregnancy is something to celebrate

A sprinkle is a great way for family and friends to celebrate the anticipation of a new baby. Many mothers will say that after their first baby they struggle to feel special about the amazing thing that is taking place in their bodies again. Being honoured by friends and family will affirm the experience and help everyone (including older siblings) to get excited about the new arrival. Also, who doesn’t like a reason to party?

“So we had the party, there was food, laughs, more food, more laughs and my Mom Friends co-friends brought me one of our kits! I really felt the love!” 

In sum, the sprinkle is hella practical and gets a Mom Friends stamp of approval.   

If you’re convinced a sprinkle is right for you or want to know more about this fascinating new cultural phenomenon stay tuned for our next post with tips on how to get planning. 

Embrace the sprinkle, but stay dry. (ok but seriously can we call it something else?)

BBQ guy sprinkling seasoning

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