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All I want for you

Posted by Mom Friends on

Mariah Carey had the right idea when she came out with her top selling Christmas song “All I want for Christmas is You”. This message appeals to basically everyone, and lately it most appeals to me as a mom with a great husband that I rarely get to connect with alone on account of our busy lives and two young children.

Dear Santa...

When my husband told me that for Christmas all he asked for were restaurant gift cards and babysitting I was beyond excited! It’s easy to spend so much time and brain space on our children that we often forget about ourselves. And I mean our selves. Who we are, how we came to be and why we’re still in this together after all these years.

Enter, the marathon

Being partnered with children in the mix can sometimes feel like a co-worker situation rather than a deeply connected, loving relationship. I wish it weren’t true but through the marathon of having a 7 month old at home, being an entrepreneur, taking care of your toddler outside of daycare hours, making supper and doing laundry it’s understandable that most evenings are about laying down and prioritizing sleep over quality hangout time together.   

Oh, hey!

When those moments of calm do come they are a serious blessing. Maybe it’s cuddling up on the couch when the littles are asleep. Or sometimes it comes at the cost of babysitting and a dinner night out. I mean getting out of the house, digging out the fancy clothes we rarely wear and actually having a conversation that doesn’t revolve around poop schedules and toddler tantrums. Going back to a time before children.

Taking the time to do these things is worth it - a wise investment.

My wishlist

I am thankful every day for the family I have and my super supportive husband. I am extra thankful when I get to spend time with them and when my partner and I can invest in ourselves a bit too. Well, it seems like so long ago for me but I cherish how our relationship has grown over the 14 years we have been together. Look at us so young and carefree!

Partying (studying?) in university, having a long distance relationship, getting married, moving homes and then having kids. We owe it to ourselves to celebrate all this when we can and what better excuse than over the holidays.

So no I don’t need anything for Christmas (Hanukkah)…. But you.



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